BY SHERRY LYNN GROS January 25, 2025

Smart Cities aka surveillance cities are here to stay. The Unified Code of Development adopted by Mayor Sandy Stimpson (2022) and the DDD (Downtown Development District) move Mobile into this brave new world. https://www.digi.com/…/smart-cities-in-the-us-examples…. The disadvantage to smart city governance is that it is technology dependent and may not work as intended like what we saw here in Mobile with the spotshotter program. It also annihilates the 14th amendment of the US Constitution which protects the American people from unreasonable searches and seizures because it is data dependent taking information from all electronics ie autos, home appliances, cell phones, smart watches, business equipment, medical records, even games you play online etc. Smart City technology requires everything be tethered to the tech, including your body, while the data is gathered, stored, and processed by “the oneness” of whoever is controlling it at the time for good or for evil. So, the genie is out of the bottle. That AI technology has great potential for harm to mankind and would diminish humanity, let us not be afraid but face each AI challenge with courage, knowledge, and the strength that is required to keep us all truly safe and freemen of The United States of America.