Happy Labor Day Everyone! Connecticut, where I grew up, is a staunch custodian and manager of clean waterways and wetland protection. As a child growing up there I was able to enjoy the beauty of estuary, marshland, and beach life. I have fond memories of gathering clams early in the morning from the cool moist sands of Long Island Sound for clam bake, watching the birds in the salt marshes all day long and splashing on the inland tributaries. Labor day was one of those days my mom could always get the day off from work to take me and my little sister on our mini-vacation to the water. So, every Labor Day, you would always find our little 3-lady family with friends on the water laughing, playing, eating wet sandwiches for lunch, and digging into the clam bake at sunset, simply enjoying life. On this labor day THANK YOU to ALL the water warriors who labor every day to keep the waters clean in Mobile, Alabama. Your dedication and commitment provides the common man and laborer access to clean, safe waters for our mini-vacations to make memories with our families that we can treasure for a lifetime. Thank you.

Next week in the Highland Park Review we hope to publish updates on the Park issue where the City of Mobile upon annexation assigned the park R-1 zoning designation without notifying us they were doing so. Councilman Josh Woods is currently looking into the issue.